QuickBooks Accounting Software
As a Certified ProAdvisor of Quickbooks, we become part of a bigger team of accounting professionals and small business consultants who provide invaluable support to Quickbooks users.  Our Certification gives us access to resources which distinguish us as a Quickbooks Expert to better serve QuickBooks clients.

As a Certified QuickBooks ProAdvisor, we are able to extend our services to better serve our existing and new clients .  Services such as:
A.  Knowledge of newer Versions and its capabilities.
B. Unlimited Priority Technical Support 
C. Discounts on  Software, Tax Services, Merchants Services (debit/credit card     processing), Checks, Forms and Supplies.
D. Product Trials

QuickBooks tends to rule the local market.  It's flexibility attracts Users that have minimal accounting experience.  Thus, our accounting experience matched with our QuickBooks abilities and resources makes us valuable in our community.
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For additional QuickBooks information:  QuickBooks.com
For detail services for Peachtree, see page 3; for "Our Services" general page, see page 1.